Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Like a bruised reed
my trust bends,
struggling to straighten.

It has been hit many times,
knocked over in its tenderness,
swept under in spite of its fierce intention.

Yet it continues to vulnerably battle -
to believe, to appropriate, to strength train;
It longs for new faith to rise up in victory.

Believing used to be easy
After tragedy, it was work
Not exactly mistrust...
for I trust His character.
But the shocking phenomenon of so many paradoxes
complicating my understanding and faith...
these have rocked my world.

Prayer is not what I thought -
not just because I didn´t get what I most wanted
But because thousands of others could not change His mind.

Faith is not what I thought - 
it is so much more than the mustard seed
more than the motive,
more than the perseverance,
more than the love.

Healing is not what I thought
It feels random because we cannot see into those realms -
Realms where the bigger kingdom picture is clear
realms where heaven and earth meet
realms we cannot pierce in our humanity.
Some are not healed with all the faith in the world
While others are healed with a single prayer.
God has the right.
But I am perplexed.

Why are some people´s mountains moved and mine not?
Why do some people suffer so much and others hardly at all?
Why do some people "just believe" and proclaim
While others do the same thing and nothing changes?
God has the right.
But I am troubled.

Paradoxes of healing and faith
of prayer and miracles
of my part & God´s part
of asking for what He promises...
but perhaps not receiving it literally,
perhaps not how you expect,
perhaps not even at all...
at least that you can see.

Paradoxes bewilder me
and they have nagged at my foundation.
Oh, Lord! Build my trust reed & let it grow!
Help me to accept the presence 
of both promises & paradoxes,
of simplicity and ambiguity
of certainties and enigmas
of clarity and mystery.

Many things are unclear
but I choose to trust you -
your love, your plans, your grace.
My trust may be a bit ragged,
somewhat fragmented,
even broken in places
but it is there -
I place it in the mystery that is You.
You know best
You deliver what is right,
no matter what it looks like
or feels like
or sounds like
or seems like.
You do all things well.

My trust, like a bruised reed,
calls out to You.

"A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
In faithfulness he will bring forth justice;
till he establishes justice on earth..."
Isaiah 42:3,4

Photo by: Ron


  1. I just love your words, your thoughts, your being, your soul put into poetry... hugs dear Pam, always in my heart and prayers.

  2. Siempre una bendicion leer sus obras Pam.
    Sus vidas son como un ejemplo para nosotros.
    No se si usted se recuerda, nos hemos encontrado en Paris hace muchos años en la oficina del pastor Freddy (cerca del Musée d'Orsay), yo trabajaba para el en aquel tiempo.
    Su familia esta en nuestros pensamientos y oraciones. A pesar de no conocerlos mucho, los queremos.
    Que Dios los bendiga. Saludos desde Pornic, Francia.
    Jonathan y Elizabeth

  3. Hey Pam,

    I want to get in touch but I don’t know how. I am Jordan’s friend from summer camp, years ago. There is so much I want to tell him. He changed my life. If you see this, please email me at

    Jacob Zhou

  4. Back in May of last year, I left a comment thanking you for your wonderful writing and poetry. Now I see you have had some reflections about the Coronavirus situation. And are still going through a grieving process. Once again, such powerful words.

    I also have been a blogger for a number of years and I wanted to share a research article about the "pandemic" from a Christian perspective that I hope you find helpful.

    It may take some time to digest all the information. Thank you for your ministry, and blessings to you and your family.

