Sunday, March 9, 2014


This grace that is mine
has been greater and greater
confounding the world
As it works in me.
There is no explanation
For its patient expansion
Its discerning perception
Of where it should be.

It´s a mystery I ponder
A wonder observed
It swells like a wave
That I ride upon.
It never runs out
Like the sea it is endless
Its limitless increase
With each new storm.

Through sadness, discouragement
Grief and exhaustion
There is more grace waiting
at every new turning
I thought I knew grace
Indeed, I have seen it
but the darker the season
The deeper its fullness.

There is grace in the wilderness
Grace in the dark
Grace in all weaknesses
Grace in the shock
There is grace in the walking
 And grace for the falling
Grace for my sleeping
And grace at the dawning.

Grace is the mystery today I consider
Its greatness, its vastness
Its limitless measure
The gift that is given
So I can continue.
The light that displays Him
In generous detail
This is the grace that is mine.

Forever thankful.

Special note:  In the walking out of Jenna´s cancer we have also been processing my brother´s death (Feb 2nd), the fall of my dear mother-in-law and her 2nd broken hip with its ensuing difficult recovery, the upcoming anniversary of my father-in-law´s death (March 16), a change in our job requiring additional travel and responsibilities for Bruce and all the other normal, day-to-day challenges of international life and work.  I share this carefully - not to arouse pity for us but to say this:  if His grace can be real & tangible for us today, it can be for you, too.

¨But he gives a greater grace.¨
James 4:6

Photo by:  Imag(in)e Mind



  1. Hi Pam: I am blown away by all this year has brought you thus far, yet I am so thankful for God's goodness to lead you in all Truth about what this year will bring. I appreciate your humor on nurses right in there with the things you're having to grieve. Thanks for writing to inspire and encourage others. I have been multiple times in the past and have sent your posts to others. I think I shared with you before, but wanted to offer again: We have two guest houses in Portugal for missionaries and pastors and our families love to listen, do prayer ministry or just give space or tourist recommendations. I know you cannot leave for a while probably Jenna's recovery, but we have spaces here and there in the coming weeks and months if you'd like a get away that's not too far. If you're interested, see our site: We'd love to serve you as you've done for others. X Jenni

  2. Yes, a greater grace... I have been praying for you knowing Bruce is away for meetings this week, but did not realize how many other MAJOR things you guys are working through at this time. This reflection looks like one you might want to put to music... a lot God's whispers captured here that only those who have walked through the dim recesses of the valley are likely to recognize and embrace as the voice of the Shepherd speaking strength and hope into their most weary moments... As I sit beside Sue today, listening to her labored breathing, I am comforted by being more aware of His broad, expansive grace that keeps stretching and stretching beyond my greatest needs... Thank you again.
