Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Is there a place
where love truly reigns?
a kingdom without war or terror or disease or poverty or famine?
Is there a place where children are happy
where women are safe
where men are courageous?
Is there a place?

Is there a place
where laughter and smiles rule?
where music and poetry flow
art and literature heal
and all people are considered beautiful?
Is there a place?

Is there a place
where nature is pure?
natural is untouched
wild is left wild
colors are original
and the water is always clear and perfect?
Is there a place?

Is there a place
with no need for politics?
or laws or prisons or police
where there are no judges
and no law breakers
and no end to good deeds?
Is there a place?

Is there a place
with liberty and beauty?
ethnic dances and harmonious tribes
languages and cultures mixed
in perfect surrender and respect?
Is there a place?

Is there a place
where there are no worries or cares?
no anxiety or mental illness
no addiction and no crime
no pain and no regrets?
Is there a place?

Is there a place
where we can all agree?
and shout and laugh and dance and toast
that all is well
and as it should be?
Is there a place?

Is there a place
where there will be One God?
and the rest will be ¨under God¨
and there will be no others to mock?
Is there a place?

Is there a place
of rest and joy and perfect health?
of family and community and love
of all things bright
and all things beautiful?
Is there a place?

Is there a place
to finally see Jesus
in His rightful place
without disagreement?
to finally see Jesus
without a veil?
to finally see Jesus
as He truly is?
Is there a place?

There is such a place
it is written.
It is longed for by pilgrims
throughout time
who do not count this world as their home.
and I am waiting
for that place.

¨...they were longing for a better country - a heavenly one.  
Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God.¨ 

Hebrews 11:16

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