Thursday, April 2, 2020


Here in Spain during our two+ weeks so far of lockdown, 
we have had a LOT of spring rain. There have been 
conversations about if the rain makes it easier to have 
to stay indoors with varying opinions. In general, most 
of us living in southern Spain are completely spoiled with
 the many days of sun. But today, the rain is speaking...
and I for one, am listening.

The hard rain is buffeting the ground
The ground is oversaturated
and sits in docility
Receiving the abundance
The streets, patios, alleys & drains
surge with drops & swirls & rivulets
They join other sources in growing strength
And course together down the street in victory.

Oh! that it could wash away the virus!
Oh! that it could cleanse the air forever!

How we all need these spiritual rains
Showering down on our heads, our minds
Sanitizing our thoughts, unhealthy defaults
We need this atoning drizzle over our hearts & souls
I need it to pour over my emotions
taking the negative & toxic ones away in the stream
I need gentle showers over my spirit
refreshing, restoring, redeeming
And over all our bodies
Please let it rain atonement, cleansing, healing.

This hard rain buffeting the ground?
It is music, it is provision, it is life
It is God´s invitation to a deeper, internal work.

Photo ironically by:  Don't Panic: Music | Art | Culture | Events

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